Fixing or setting up Brother Scan to PC

Here's the process for fixing the scan to PC option when the printer is repaired or replaced;

  1. Open Brother Utilities Software from the workstations in question (this has to be repeated for each computer)
  2. Click tools and then uninstall (if there's more than one profile within the Brother Utilities application this needs to be completed until the Brother Utilities is removed from the machine)
  3. Re-download the whole driver and software package again (
  4. Install Brother Utilities including control centre and print driver and connect to printer, make sure correct printer is selected during install if multiple are displayed
  5. Allow install to complete then check these settings:
  6. Make sure Control Centre connects to Scanner/Printer, if so try 'Scanning to PC' from the printer it's self. 

It's options 1 and 2 that are important, if you just remove the software from the PC via control panel it won't fix any underlying issues or remove old printers when the application is reinstalled.

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