Exchange 2010 Event ID 16023 & 1052 Transport Service Stops Itself

If you are experiencing the problem of the Exchange Transport Service stopping itself you will need to run through the below steps.

  1. Open Event Viewer and browse to the error with Event ID 1052 and take note of the porblematic agent.
  2. Open Microsoft Exchange Management Shell and type in "Get-TransportAgent". (This will give you a list of installed Transport Agents, find the names of the ones showing within the event viewer)
  3. type "Uninstall-TransportAgent "(Problematic Transport Agent)"" 
  4. At the confirmation Screen, press "Y" and press "Enter"

You can also run through the below change

  1. Browse to the Shared folder within the Exchange program files, this is normally located at "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\TransportRoles\Shared"
  2. Open the Agents.config file and remove the Lines for the problematic agent.


If the problematic Transport Agents are AVG based, follow the below steps. You will need to change the years accordingly

Located within this path on your server : "C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG2012\Exchange\Transport\Scripts" (Or the location where you installed AVG)

You will find 6 Script files. 
Use the Script files starting with "install".

Open Microsoft Exchange Management Shell:

Drag and drop the first script file "install-AVGAntispam.ps1" and press enter within the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell screen.

Drag and drop the first script file "install-AVGAntivirusRouting.ps1" and press enter within the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell screen.

Drag and drop the first script file "install-AVGAntivirusSMTP.ps1" and press enter within the Microsoft Exchange Management Shell screen.

Once the scripts has been installed for AVG 2012, you will notice that your Microsoft Exchange Transport Agent Service is started and functional, you will also notice that the AVG server Components is also working now.

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